Combed or Peigne: Peigne means combed. Hair combing is an initial treatment of cotton so the cleanest and longest of the fibers will stay, creating a quality durable cotton yarn. The rest of the cotton left over after "combing" also produces yarn, but of less quality / durability.
TC: Thread Counts refers to the number of threads per square inch of fabric. According to the textile standards a good quality fabric should have at least 180 threads (TC).

Combed or Peigne: Peigne means combed. Hair combing is an initial treatment of cotton so the cleanest and longest of the fibers will stay, creating a quality durable cotton yarn. The rest of the cotton left over after "combing" also produces yarn, but of less quality / durability.
TC: Thread Counts refers to the number of threads per square inch of fabric. According to the textile standards a good quality fabric should have at least 180 threads (TC).
The satin is made of high quality cotton long yarns. The way the satin weaves (a vertical yarn to 4 horizontal) marks the weaving mode and gives a smooth and silky texture. The series sets include 1 or 2 pillows depending on the dimension you choose (single or double).